Regional General Board

Our region is run by our Regional Executive Board… but they need support too!!  Get involved in the region by being involved in our RGB — Regional General Board

Each board position has support roles that help make our region run not only more smoothly.. but makes it more fun too!!

Congratulations TZAFON RGB ’15-’16

REL/ED  RGB — Hadar Pepperstone & Michale Schueler

RUACH  RGB —  Sarah Young

ISRAEL AFFAIRS RGB — Joshua Krill & Leah Kramer

SOCIAL ACTION RGB — Ben Pesco & Hannah Ryen

TIKUN OLAM RGB — Leah Kramer



10th GRADE: Eitan Goldmeer & Talia Morchower

11th GRADE: Gabi Silverstein

SENIOR RGB:  Joshua Krill & Ben Pesco

KADIMA RGB — Eitan Goldmeer & Hannah Ryen

COMMUNICATIONS RGB — Michale Schueler (Kol Tzafon)


More may be added at the decision of the REB