Tzafon “lingo” can be confusing sometimes, so a vocabulary list has been devised for you to help you understand everything that is going on. Soon you will have heard these words so many times that they will become second nature! Meanwhile this list will help you get by.
Advisor – Adults who work with USY chapters and supervise chapter and regional events.
Abraham Joshua Heschel Honor Society – An honor society for USYers who excel in areas of Hebrew study, Mitzvot, and Torah.
Benching – (See Birkat) The prayer said after meals.
Birkat Hamazon – (See Benching) The prayer said after meals.
Chofesh – The Hebrew word for free time. At an event, Chofesh is a time to have fun with friends, catch up on old times, or just sleep!
Curfew – Some sort of time constraint that is supposed to be derived for our benefit, but not always viewed as such.
Dugma – Hebrew word used to mean “good example.”
Executive Board (Also known as R.E.B., Regional Executive Board) – A group of 6 USYers who were elected by the people for the people. It consists of President, Israel Affairs VP, Religious/Education VP, Social Actions/Tikun Olam VP, Membership/Kadima VP, and Communications VP.
Chalutzim – A USY club for those interested in learning and teaching about Israel and Zionism.
The Chalutzon – A newsletter given to all members of Hechalutzim (See Hechalutzim).
International Convention – An annual gathering during the winter break of USYers from all over America and Canada. It is a time to see your friends from Pilgrimage (see Pilgrimage), Wheels (see Wheels), Ramah Israel Program, or to meet new people from other Regions.
Kadima – The pre-USY organization for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders.
Kallah/Kinnus/Convention – A weekend- long Regional Shabbaton held from Friday to Sunday.
Sicha (plural Sichot) – Literally, sicha means conversation. In USY this means study groups. At every convention there is a theme, which is then the discussion during Sichot throughout the Shabbaton.
Kol Tzafon – Tzafon Newspaper
Listserver – A “Listserver” (also known just as a “ListServ” or “List”) is a system that allows USYers to be informed about current events, updates, and anything else that might be important.
Maariv – The evening service
Mincha – The afternoon service
Nativ – A yearlong program for college freshmen. This consists of six months of study at Hebrew University, the Conservative Yeshiva, or Ulpan for Hebrew immersion and four months of either Kibbutz life, or community service jobs in Beersheva
Pilgrimage – USY’s 4-5 week summer tour of Israel. Also Poland/Israel Pilgrimage, Eastern European Israel Seminar, and sometimes Italy/Israel or Spain/Israel Pilgrimage.
Tri-Regional Encampment – An 6-day long USY camp held during the last week in August. A wonderful end to the summer! Held with EPA, and Hagesher Regions
RGB – Regional General Board – Selected by the Exec. Board (see Executive Board). These individuals assist the Exec. Board in running the Region in certain areas.
Ruach – Singing, dancing, and SPIRIT!
Shacharit – The morning service
Shmira – Watchers/guards at conventions, Encampment, Kallah, and Kinnusim to make sure that no illegal activity is going on after curfew (see Curfew).
613 Mitzvot Corp – For just $6.13 (which goes to T.O. – see Tikun Olam) you can join the international Mitzvot club where you will receive special mailings.
Social Action – Acts of loving kindness.
Tikun Olam – The USY Tzedakah fund for “repairing the world”; money raised to be allocated to the Conservative movement, charities chosen by the Region and scholarships for USY summer programs.
Tzafon – Our USY/Kadima Region. THE BEST REGION!!!
Wheels – A six and a half week tour of the United States (unless you go on Wheels EAST, which is 4 weeks). An amazing experience!